2018 - 2019
Located in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Supported by European Cultural Foundation
Duration: 1 year
with Yana Mikhalina
KROPOTKINA 11 is a space for different practices that work with various social, cultural and political events from all times, as a way of rethinking present and its continuity. It’s an artistic project, where сritical theory, aesthetics and community practices merge together, forming a transversal hole which produces a proximity beyond friendship, a possibility of research work beyond institutions, and art outside the museum infrastructure. It is a one-year experiment in a form of an art space, rooted around Felix Guattari’s «A Thousand Plateaus» reading group, that tests what is possible to do right now in a given social, political and economical situation.
How could we give artistic replies to the social and political reality which happens to us and next to us, in the space of non-violence and non-collaboration? How spaces left for the existence of a subject, not consumer, bureaucrat or a soldier, could look like?